mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012

Polaroid in azione! (con photoshop)

A chi ama le mitiche foto polaroid piacerà la possibilità di ricrearle, senza fatica, offerta da questo set di azioni per photoshop, scaricabile gratuitamente su deviant art:


 Il set contiene
· T600*
· T600 expired*
· Time Zero*
· Time Zero expired*
· Finisher
* per formati orizzontali e verticali
Funziona con Adobe Photoshop 7 e tutte le versioni CS, in tutte le lingue 

Su deviant art centinaia di azioni per photoshop, di tutto e di più!

Modelli di Polaroid - da camerapedia
Una riproduzione (non funzionante) della leggendaria Polaroid SX 70 realizzata artigianalmente in Ghana in 400 esemplari in latta riciclata, il ricavato della vendità andrà al progetto "Chance for Children" per i bambini e le bambine di Accra.

See the camera in 3D here

The Impossible Project - Ghana 
Your purchase of the exclusive IMPOSSIBLE GHANA EDITION will support "Chance for Children", which helps street children to stand on their own feet. In Accra more then 30.000 children live on the street. We will collect all net proceeds and donate them to "Chance for Children", who have been working in Accra since 1999. The association gives street kids a home, allows them to attend school and supports their education, so that girls and boys have a chance to take care of themselves and have a self-determined life. 

Sempre sul sito The Impossible Project si può acquistare una polaroid di carta da montare

POLAROID CLASSICDIY PAPER CAMERA KITS Build your own Polaroid camera classics! This DIY craft set makes you the proud owner of six legendary, analog instant cameras. The paper models of classic Polaroid cameras are fun to create and perfect in every detail, including mini Polaroid photos that develop when rubbed.

February 9 - March 23, 2012

Impossible and Polaroid will also present a series of artist collaborations throughout the year of 2012 in The Impossible Project Space NYC.
Celebrating the launch of the Polaroid Classic line, selected photographers will create an incomparable Group Gallery Show made entirely of the last Polaroid film available. The soft tones and an outstanding artistic flavor that the used Polaroid Image Instant Film provides, and that has always contributed much to the popularity of the film, contribute to this unique, analog exhibition. Even though the film material is the last original Polaroid film on earth, this Group Gallery Show is not a farewell but an embrace of the past of Polaroid film and celebration of the future of the Polaroid Classic line.
INSTANT REVOLUTION will be shown online at and offline at The Impossible Project Space NYC from February 9 to March 23, 2012.

2 commenti:

  1. ma sei un vulcano!! queste azioni per photoshop mi saranno utilissime, grazie!

  2. grazie a te per il commento, se ti è utile ho usato bene il mio tempo a scrivere il post :)))


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