mercoledì 29 giugno 2011

Gioielli d'arte: le sculture per il corpo di Louise Nippierd (Norvegia)

Louise Nippierd in her former studio,
Nordal Brunsgt. 13, Oslo, Norway. October 1998

Louise Nippierd is one of Norway’s, and perhaps Europe’s, most interesting jewellery artists today. Artistic expression is part of the explanation, and choosing aluminium as the material is another. “When I understood what could be accomplished with aluminium, the possibilities literally flowed over me. I saw all possible colours and shapes before my eyes. Aluminium is also an environmentally friendly material, 100 percent recyclable, and that also appealed to me,” says Nippierd. Her highly imaginative jewellery, created in a special process with sulphuric acid and dye baths, is like nothing you will find in a conventional jewellery shop. (Shape Magazine 1/06)

2007: "As Time Goes By" Theme: Fashion/History

1900 - 1910
1910 - 1920
1920 - 1930
1930 - 1940
1940 - 1950
1950 -1960
1960 - 1970
1970 - 1980
1980 - 1990
1990 - 2000

2003 - 2004: "ZOO" Theme: Animal Rights
"Secret Sorrows""Creature Chaos""Eternally Yours"
"Wild at Heart""Vanity Fur"

 2002: "All Different All Equal" Theme: Anti Racism
"If""If only""What if""How if"
"Why if""Could if""As if""So if"

 2002: "SeaSons"
"Torso I""Torso II""Torso III""Torso IV"

 2001: "Incognito" Theme: Islam
"Stunt piece""Stigmatized"

2001: "H2O"
"Torso I""Torso II"

 2000: "Orpheus & Eurydike"
"Don't look""Just one look""Rejoined"

 1999: "Cross"  Theme: Eating Disorders
"Hungry Heart""Delightful

 1997: "Shelter"  Theme: Female Decadence
"Breast prints in the
age of Silicone I"
"Breast prints in the
age of Silicone II"

1996: "With Sensous Signals Shall The Body Be Adorned" Theme: Homosexuality
"Approaching an
"Queen of
 the night"

3 commenti:

  1. Poco pratici da portare eh, ma sono veramente bellissimi!!.
    ps: ma "torso II" non ha i colori del mio amato peacock?????? *.*.

  2. di sicuro si viene notati se si portano ;))) adesso che me lo fai notare sì! proprio blu pavone!!! baci pavonati allora! ps: carino che le modelle non siano tutte tagia 40...

  3. E avevo notato!!, ma son più belle fooormooose!.. adesso non mi sentirò più in colpa al mare ;).


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