giovedì 5 aprile 2012

Ex libris per bambini

Mi sono sempre piaciuti gli ex libris, e mi è piaciuto questo progetto della grafica spagnola Laura Meseguer (interessanti le sue font personalizzate) per 3 fratelli.
Elementi comuni la B iniziale del cognome e, nella versione colorata il cerchio; nella grafica della B  le passioni di ciascun piccolo lettore (Miguel storia e libri, Clara piano e hockey, Hanna chitarra e recitazione). Sono stati stampati su adesivi e realizzato il timbro.

Exlibris for children.

Miquel, Clara and Hanna Badia are respectively 13, 11 and 7 years old. I was asked to design an ex-libris for each of them. Starting with the idea of reflecting that they are brother and sisters, I decided to design some common graphic elements: the circle, the capital B (the first letter of the family name) and the style of writing for the first name. You can find some differences in the use of color and the construction of the B, which in each case reflects their personal hobbies: Miquel, history and books; Clara, playing the piano and hockey and Hanna playing guitar and drama. These ex-libris were produced as stickers and as rubber stamp as well.

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