sabato 1 ottobre 2011

Maria Ikonomopoulou - trame di nomi

La serie You and Me di Maria Ikonomopoulou è formata dai nomi delle persone con cui ha collaborato, meticolosamente ritagliati su candida carta per realizzare queste foto, stampate su tela.
L'artista greca, ma residente a Rotterdam, ha esposto l'intero lavoro di magistrale intaglio, in forma di installazione a muro, nel 2006 all'Ileana Tounta, Contemporary Art Center, di Atene.

You all over Me
You on Me
You with Me
Where are the limits of individualism and how is it possible to achieve balances between collectivity and individual longings? Maria Ikonomopoulou continuously explores such issues with her work, blending photography and handwritten texts with a range of techniques traditionally related to Folk Art as embroidery and paper cut outs. There is an inspiring, complementary interaction between her studio pieces, her outdoor interventions and her pieces for the public space where she collaborates with a lot of people. (here)

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